KAI the March 2021 Issue of a ESQUIRE Korea Magazine Interview English Tanslate / Subtitle
Part. 1
Source : https://www.esquirekorea.co.kr/article/52141?utm_source=copy&utm_medium=share&utm_campaign=0
카이는 언제나, 어디서나 재미를 찾아낸다 part.1 | 에스콰이어 코리아 (Esquire Korea)
카이는 언제나, 어디서나 재미를 찾아낸다. 기왕이면 더 재미있는 게 좋으니까. 「 Boy, Just Wanna Have Fun 」 요즘 같은 시국에 6개월도 안 돼서 또 만났네요. 이 정도면 〈에스콰이어〉와 베스트 프
■ Boy, Just Wanna Have Fun
Q. We met again in less than 6 months in this current situation. I think you and <Esquire> are best friends.
A. (Smile) Yes we are. Today we tried a very different concept with October collaboration. They have their own charming points.
Q. The photoshoot that we took last time was used for the cover page of <Esquire> in Singapore.
A. I checked it. It was really fun. As you said, it is hard to work abroad because of Covid. Thanks to <Esquire>, I was happy to give the present to my fans in Singapore.
Q. You look tired compared with the previous interview, are you ok?
A. No, I’m not. I’m good. (Smile)
Q. You did a solo debut for 6 months. We didn’t talk about it at that moment because you are in preparation.
A. Yes, I was not that sure about the date of the debut, so I couldn’t tell anything about it. I can tell you everything for now (Laugh)
Q. It took a long time to prepare and is a new challenge.
A. I made a plan from March, and I did it around 8 months.. I was in the preparation stage for the last shooting. I kept thinking about how I delivered my voice in another way even though my fans already used to listen to my voice. Also, other audiences need to feel my friendliness. I put lots of effort into finding the middle point of that. For now, many people recognize my voice and listen to my song. I think I feel less pressure for the next album.
Q. Do you want to show the different ways to fans and other audiences?
A. I did not make the plan specific like ‘oh, people have to know about this point’. I hope people just enjoy my music because I worked hard for making this album. At this point, I don’t want to make the side between fans and audiences. But, there will be a difference between fans and the audiences in terms of familiarity with Kai, so I said this in that sense.
Q. You said that you need to work hard because fans already have high expectations for your music.
A. Yes, they are. I think they are already in high class because they love me. (Laugh) I’m kidding. My fans love to find the detail part. There are many reasons that they love me. I need to show the various parts of me and make them satisfied with expectation. Even though the fashion, music, dance, whatever.. I want to make them satisfied. Then, I have to put in lots of effort.
Q. We have to talk about fashion. Today you wear the ‘Kai Capsule Collection’ from Gucci.
A. ‘Kai Capsule Collection’ includes my favorite animal that is the bear. Gucci is a luxury brand, and people feel that it is not casual clothing. But, we put this cute bear, and it makes it look more casual. There are lots of cute bears all around the collections. I love to wear these collections because it is for all generations.
Q. Is the bear your ‘one pick (favorite)’?
A. EXO-L (Fans) made the nickname for me because I slow in action. At first, I said “ I’m not like a bear “. (Laugh) But I got familiar with the character of bears, I got lots of gifts related to bears. There is nothing to way out. It is the symbol of my character and it seems like the signal between me and fans. I realized I have similar parts of bears. (Laugh)
Q. We can’t think separately of you and bears. (Laugh) Ok, that’s it for the bear topic. Can we talk about Gucci? You are the ambassador of Gucci for 2 years and made the collections by your name. I think you feel that everything feels different somehow.
A. It is the first to try for collaboration with Gucci and Korean celebrities. I’m really thankful to them and feels so good. It’s not easy to make the collection. I know this is my big chance and luck. This luck comes to me, so I’m really happy about that.
Q. How do you feel different compared with the first meeting with Gucci?
A. I was on the flight when I went for the shooting with Gucci Campaign, I could not believe it. Am I go for shooting with Gucci campaign? I kept thinking about it. I felt weird. haha I was not imagining this kind of work when I was a trainee in the past. My love for Gucci is getting bigger. It is significant to work for me.
Q. It was the issue with the one picture a few days ago. Gucci sends the food truck (Little Cafe) to Kai. It was really cute because they put the symbolic color of Gucci such as green, red, and coffee cups with cute ribbons.
A. Gucci sent it to me when I finished the solo activity for an online fan meet-up. Before that, Gucci said ‘ We will help you whatever you do or we can send the food truck for you. To be honest, I didn’t expect they would send it for real. It was really touchy. I really want it to show off. (haha)
Q. (Laugh) You are good at entertainment shows because you have a sunny disposition. Nowadays, you are in ‘Home Alone’ and work in other programs.
A. I was nervous at first and under the pressure of making them laugh. For now, it is fun. I love that people know about me more than before. To be honest, I don’t know that I’m a funny guy, but people love that part of me. Actually, there is less chance to show my work from last year, but TV shows are a good chance to introduce me.
* You can check the original Korean interview and photoshooting in Esquire (March Edition)
I will also working for part 2. Keep in watch :)
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